Radio Liferay Episode 24: Zsolt Balogh, LESA

  This is another episode recorded at the European Symposium 2012 in Wiesbaden. Zsolt Balogh, head of Liferay's Support for the EMEA reason talks about the pain points that led to developing a custom issuetracker and support management system. Enterprise customers know what he's talking about: Liferay is using LESA to handle support issues, fix and escalate them. To follow the visual part of the presentation, please go to the symposium's download page

Zsolt starts by laying out why Jira was fine for a single project (and it continues to be in use at, but not so much for the way we're supporting the enterprise customers.

After introducing the problem space, he's going through implementation timeline, migration, features and requirements, as well as later evolution of the system (naturally, LESA is still being actively developed and extended). Also, there are lots of metrics and how they are helping to improve service or efficiency growing the team.

You'll learn how Liferay's support teams were organized internally over the time and where we're heading to. At Liferay, we're not eating our own dogfood, we're rather drinking our own champagne. Where we don't do this now, we're planning to do so very soon. LESA is part of the activity to move a lot of functionality from 3rd party software into Liferay (or to integrate that software into the portal).

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