3.1 GA 1 and Installers Released

3.1 GA 1 and Installers Released

Hello all,

The latest stable release of Liferay IDE, Liferay Developer Studio: version 3.1 GA1, and Liferay Workspace Installer 1.5.0 have been released.

Liferay IDE 3.1 GA 1

You can update or install the new release of Liferay IDE using either of the following links as usual:


If you have already installed one of the previous milestones, you can upgrade to the latest by just using ‘Check for Updates…’.  The /latest/milestone/ link will contain the latest 3.1.0 GA release as well.  

For full list of the bundles that includes Eclipse Neon 3 JavaEE package with Liferay IDE 3.1 pre-installed:


This is the ga release (See 3.1 beta1, 3.1 M3, 3.1 M2 and 3.1 M1 blog entries for highlights of the previous release.)

Liferay Developer Studio 3.1 GA 1

For customers, they can download Liferay Developer Studio on the customer studio download page. You can upgrade from Studio 3.1 B1 through Help > Install New Software... dialog, but it can’t be upgraded from other previous versions, 3.0 and before.

We have added some new welcome page actions when you first launch Developer Studio, and most importantly you can use the “Import Liferay Workspace” action that will by default import the Liferay workspace created as a part of the installers (see next section).

New Installers: Liferay Workspace and Liferay Developer Studio

With the 3.1 GA release we have released two new installers for customers.  The smaller one is just for setting up a Liferay workspace and the other installer is the full fledged Liferay Developer Studio installer which installs Liferay workspace, blade, Developer Studio and comes pre-bundled with latest Liferay DXP server.

These installers will install the blade CLI program as well as optionally initialize a Liferay Workspace directory or generate token in your home/.liferay folder. You can visit this page to download the workspace installers.

Release highlights:

  1. Improve Workspace Installers and Studio Installers. For Dxp users,  put liferay.com credential through token in ~/.liferay folder
  2. Add studio welcome page
  3. Improve Workspace Installers and Studio Installers
  4. Add support for new ext project in DXP
  5. Support multiple modules folder in gradle liferay workspace
  6. Support for custom http port in server editor
  7. Support deployment on Liferay Portal CE ga4
  8. Bug fixes

Known issues

  1. IDE-3359 maven soy portlet project endless build

  2. IDE-3204 bundle buildship 2.0.x to make it be compatible with Eclipse Oxygen


We are going to release IDE 3.1.1 GA 2 and add support for Eclipse oxygen.


If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!

[...] This is the second ga release (See this blog entry for highlights of the 3.1.0 GA1 release.) It can installed on Eclipse Oxygen since we bundled buildship 2.1.1 and make it as a top level feature... [...] Read More