3.1 Beta 1 and Installers Released

3.1 Beta 1 and Installers Released


Hello all,


We IDE team are pleased to announce the new release of Liferay IDE, Liferay Developer Studio: version 3.1 Beta1, and Liferay Workspace Installer 1.2.4.


Liferay IDE 3.1 Beta 1


You can update or install the new release of Liferay IDE here as usual:




For full list of the bundles that includes Eclipse Neon 3 JavaEE package with Liferay IDE 3.1 Beta1 pre-installed:



This is the beta release (See this blog entry for highlights of the 3.1 M3 release.)


Liferay Developer Studio 3.1 Beta 1


This is a new package format for 3.1 b1, it can’t be upgraded from the previous version. Liferay DXP customers can download Liferay Developer Studio 3.1 Beta 1 in the Customer Portal.



Liferay Workspace Installer 1.2.4


For the first time, we have made installers for Liferay Workspace. These installers will install the blade CLI program as well as optionally initialize a Liferay Workspace directory. You can visit this page to download the workspace installers.



Release highlights:


    1. New Workspace Installers

  • install jpm into User’s home

  • install blade into User’s home

  • create a liferay workspace optionally


    2. New Studio installer for customers

  • installs jpm into User’s home

  • installs blade into User’s home

  • create a liferay workspace

  • for Dxp users,  put liferay.com credential in gradle.properties and copy DXP SP2 bundle to ~/.liferay/bundles folder

  • Developer Studio Application


     3. IDE / Studio codebase have merged and aligned releases

  • kaleo workflow


Release Notes:


  1. All the installers are assuming java is installed in the system path

  2. Studio 3.0.0-ga1 can’t be upgraded. However, eclipse workspace can be opened with ew version of Studio 3.1 beta1.


We are going to release IDE 3.1 GA 1 and make some improvements for Liferay Workspace Installer and Liferay Developer Studio soon.



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!


[...] This is the ga release (See 3.1 beta1, 3.1 M3, 3.1 M2 and 3.1 M1 blog entries for highlights of the previous release.) [...] Read More