Liferay development With JREBEL & It is FREE for Personel use

 JRebel has changed the way developers code in Java. Never again will you need to redeploy your application to see the impact of code updates. Make changes and JRebel applies them instantly to your running application.
Step 1: Download Jrebel from eclipse marketplace..
              In Eclipse navigate to HELP>> Eclipse MarketPlace And Serach for Jrebel and Install
Step 2:   Get licence key by registering here
Step 3: In Eclipse navigate to HELP>> JRebel Config center >> Activation And activate the JRebel
Step 4: In Eclipse navigate to HELP>> JRebel Config center >> OverView
Step 5: Add  server  by checking the checkbox as shown below
Step 6: Add liferay portlet project  by checking the checkbox as shown below
   OR alternatively you can add project by Right click on portlet project and Add Jrebel Nature as shown
    Find newly created jrebel nature here--> . docroot >> WEB-INF >> src >> rebel.xml
Step 7: In Eclipse navigate to HELP>> JRebel Config center >> Plug -Ins And select liferay in plugins as shown
 Step 8: Double click on server  And in Publishing section make sure that  " Never publish automatically" is selected And in JRebel section enable jrebel agent as shown below
Step 9 : Make sure that Automatic Build is enabled
Step 11: Now you can enjoy coding without redeploy and SAVE TIME.
Warm Regards
Mohammad Azaruddin
Good Article, This has save lots of time emoticon Thanks Azhar.
Is this supports to EXT?
May be it will support...but i haven't tried in real time...hope i can implement and update this article In sha allah