Semantic Version Reporting Tool in Liferay's Build

Liferay is in the initial phase of semantically versioning all it's java source code. Yay! What?

If you don't know what semantic versioning is, here are two essential references on the subject:


Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes, MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes. Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.

Liferay will be applying package level semantic versioning which will allow for very granular API versioning. This is the same versioning strategy prescribed in the OSGi Semantic Versioning whitepaper. This will help developers, our support, and our documentation teams easily track API evolution and increase the stability of our APIs.

Adding semantic versioning to such a large project will be a challenge. One of the greatest difficulties will be educating all contributing developers on how to properly handle it. Hopefully, we can begin to address that here.

Leaving semantic versioning in the care of humans can easily become a nightmare. So much so that there are even theories which state that semantic versioning is not worth the effort due to the human limitations. The ideal scenario then is to not leave it up to humans at all. Or rather, to not only leave it up to humans. Machines are much more suited to dealing with this sort of thing.

However, a big problem was that until recently there were no good libraries which could produce, with reasonable heuristics, accurate reports about how APIs had changed. This is no longer the case. The open source bnd library ("the Swiss army knife of OSGi") originally developed by OSGi grand master Peter Kriens ( and now maintained (still with Peter, but in a more community driven effort) under the umbrella project BndTools (an impressive OSGi tooling suite for the Eclipse platform) is available for doing all the necessary work programatically.

But humans don't like being told what to do by machines. So the compromise is to make the machine do the hard work, and have it report it's findings to humans, letting humans decide how to react.

Let's outline the steps involved. (The implementation details discussed are specific to Liferay's tool built around bnd, but the process could be applied to any project were an equivalent build integration tool available.)

Step 1 - Setup

Let's assume that we're starting from a pristine working copy of our source code, checked out from the repository and positioned at a version tag we want to use as the foundation of our semantic versioning efforts. We'll call this the baseline version.

The next assumption is that we have enabled semantic version reporting in our build configuration. In the case of Liferay's reporting tool, this is configured by editing the build.${}.properties file and choosing a value for the following property:

Several reporting levels are available, diff by default.

  • off = no reporting enabled
  • standard = report only package level changes
  • diff = include with standard a granular, differential report of all changes in the package
  • persist = in addition to diff persist the report to a file inside the directory identified by the property which defaults to baseline-reports

Step 2 - The First Build

Before any code changes take place we will perform the first build. During the build java source code is compiled and then packaged into jar files. With the baseline engine enabled, just before the jar file creation process completes, it's contents are analyzed against a previously existing version of the jar. This previously existing version is located in what we call the baseline repository.

Since this is the first build two distinct operations will take place.

  1. The baseline engine's workspace is initialized and the baseline repository is created. This takes place in the folder identified by the property which is .bnd by default (note the directory is hidden). Note also that if you want to restart this entire process from scratch, the only step is to delete this directory.

  2. Since there is no previously existing version of the jar in the baseline repository, the current jar is added. It effectively becomes the baseline version. Also recall that earlier we chose a well define version tag as the starting point. This represents the effective version to which all subsequent changes will be compared.

Finally, no reports should result from the first build.

Step 3 - Making Changes

When we perform a change to the java source code such as developing new features, fixing bugs, etc. we'll need to execute a build with our changes, execute tests, etc.

Execute the build. We'll refer to it as a subsequent build to distinguish it from the first build.

Step 4 - Reporting

While the subsequent build is executing, each new jar (assuming of course the jar does in fact have some change) is analyzed against the previously existing version jar (a.k.a. old jar) obtained from the baseline repository (.. placed there during the first build).

The baseline engine performs a tree based comparison between the new jar and the old jar. The engine will then produce output based on the current reporting level.

If no API changes were detected there should be no new output. The build should look like it always has.


Now, let's assume that some change was in fact detected. For now, let's consider a very simple change. We'll add a new method to the concrete type:

In it's current form this class, and in fact it's package, are versioned based on the version of the jar in which it resides. Therefore in the case of Liferay 6.2.0, it's effective version is '6.2.0'.

Let's add a new method to this concrete class:

public void newMethod() {
    System.out.println("executing the new method");

Rebuilding the jar containing this class should produce the following report:

[baseline-jar] portal-service (portal-service.jar) 4826
[Baseline Report] Mode: persist
[Baseline Warning] Bundle Version Change Recommended: 6.3.0
  PACKAGE_NAME                                       DELTA      CUR_VER    BASE_VER   REC_VER    WARNINGS  
= ================================================== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
*                      MINOR      6.2.0      6.2.0      6.3.0      VERSION INCREASE REQUIRED
    <   class
        +   method     newMethod()


Let's break down the report line by line.

Line 1:

[baseline-jar] portal-service (portal-service.jar) 4826

This indicates the task is executing the baseline-jar task (a.k.a. the baseline engine) on portal-service.jar and there are 4826 resources in the jar (err.. that's a large jar, it's also the first hint that we should probably break it into pieces to improve maintainability, but that's a topic for another time).

Line 2:

[Baseline Report] Mode: diff

This indicates the current report mode or level, diff.

Line 3:

[Baseline Warning] Bundle Version Change Recommended: 6.3.0

This indicates that the report suggests a version change should be applied to the jar in question.

Lines 4-5:

  PACKAGE_NAME                                       DELTA      CUR_VER    BASE_VER   REC_VER    WARNINGS  
= ================================================== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========

These are header lines and are only here to clarify the details of the details which follow. The report is broken down by package, and so the header reflects this.

The first column (un-named, 1 char width) is for indicating a dirty state of the package (represented as * = dirty, empty = not dirty).

When dirty, the package requires the attention of the developer. It usually reflects that either the changes or the package version require review and certainly that the API has been subject to a non-trivial change and the version no longer represents it accurately.

The second column (PACKAGE_NAME) indicates the package in question. Note that each sub package is treated uniquely, defining it's own version and being reported on independently.

The third column (DELTA) indicates the magnitude of the change (ADDED, CHANGED, MAJOR, MICRO, MINOR, REMOVED, UNCHANGED).

  • ADDED = a new package which does not exist in the baseline repo (should be version 1.0)
  • CHANGED = a none API change was detected, possibly an unwarranted API version increase, etc.
  • MAJOR = a breaking, backward incompatible change
  • MICRO = a non-API change
  • MINOR = a backward compatible change
  • REMOVED = the package was removed (may have been moved to own jar = MINOR, or deleted with no replacement = MAJOR)
  • UNCHANGED = no change

The fourth column (CUR_VER) indicates the current version of the package.

The fifth column (BASE_VER) indicates the version of the package in the baseline repository.

The sixth column (REC_VER) indicates the recommended version based on the magnitude of the change.

The seventh and last column (WARNINGS) will print any warnings or verbal recommendations which are a best guess as to what step might resolve the dirty state of the package.

Line 6:

*                      MINOR      6.2.0      6.2.0      6.3.0      VERSION INCREASE REQUIRED

This is the overall package report. Following the column descriptions above, you can see that the package is in a dirty state. The package has incurred a MINOR change. Considering the current version and the baseline version, the report suggests that an increase of the package version to 6.3.0 is required to resolve the dirty state.

Lines 7-8:

    <   class
        +   method     newMethod()

Note: These lines will only be included in report if the levels is diff or persist.

Packages often contain more than one class. To the developer making the change it's simple enough to understand why the package might be dirty. However, as the number of changes increase, or to an outsider, like a support or documentation engineer, understanding the specific nature of the change is often interesting, and quite often necessary to making life easier. Therefore, when in diff or persist level, for each package we show a differential view of every single change in the package. This is not a traditional diff output, but rather an API diff. For this reason the report requires a little bit of getting used to.

The first line indicates the class in question.

    <   class

The leading character (in this case <) indicates the magnitude of change for the specific class. It's worth noting that each class may have different degree of change, and the package will reflect only the highest degree of change.

Possible leading characters are:

  • + = ADDED
  • ~ = CHANGED
  • > = MAJOR
  • µ = MICRO
  • < = MINOR
  • - = REMOVED

Lines which follow indicate each change which occurred in the class, and may even show lower levels in cases where the change occurred on inner elements of the class. The depth increases with each inner element.

        +   method     newMethod()

In this case we can see that a method called newMethod was added.

This raises the question: "How do we resolve the dirty state of the package?"

Reacting to Reports

There are several ways to react to these reports, each of which is dependent on a couple of different factors and so it's important to have a good understanding of them so as not to be intimidated by their granular nature.

Considering the change we already made, the first reaction we could have might be to revert the change completely. Re-running the build would clear up the report. Obviously this also wouldn't result in any progress. If we are attempting to fix a bug however, it's actually very bad practice to change public API if at all possible. So the report might be indication that we tried to solve the bug using an approach which was too aggressive to the API and we should reconsider the change.

However, it may happen that a developer finds that it's impossible to solve a bug without changing an API. But such a change should be a MINOR change at most (which is backward compatible) and only when whoever is responsible for ongoing maintenance is in agreement. This type of change may require the preparation of documentation since the public API was changed, even if it was a minor change.

In this case however, the most common reaction to such a report is more often than not to simply set the package version to the new version.

Package Versions (packageinfo)

Granularly managing package versions is achieved in one of two ways according to the OSGi Semantic Versioning whitepaper. For our purposes, we will follow the packageinfo text file approach.

Locating the directory of the package containing the file, we will create a new text file called packageinfo (with no extension). This file should contain a single line following the pattern:

version <version>

where <version> is the actual version we want to assign to the package following the syntax defined for semantic versioning (see the Summary above).

For instance:

version 6.3.0

and re-run the build.

Line 6 should change to:                      MINOR      6.3.0      6.2.0      6.3.0      -         

Note that the package is no longer in dirty state and the current version matches the recommended version. Lastly, there are no warnings (represented by -).

The remain report lines reveal more information about the package changes:

    <   class
        +   method     newMethod()
    -   version    6.2.0
    +   version    6.3.0

As you can see, at the same level as the class, we see that the package version change is represented by the removal of the 6.2.0 version and the addition of the 6.3.0 version. We now see the sum of all changes since the baseline and also that all appropriate actions have been taken to resolve the dirty state.

A MAJOR change

Minor changes will and should occur relatively frequently. This is just common to pretty much all every day development. So, let's make a change which will produce a MAJOR change to see how this affects our report.

In the same class there's a method which is un-used in Liferay:

     * Method getDays
     * @return int
    public int getDays() {
        return _days;

Let's delete this method from the class and re-run the build.

[baseline-jar] portal-service (portal-service.jar) 4827
[Baseline Report] Mode: persist
[Baseline Warning] Bundle Version Change Recommended: 7.0.0
  PACKAGE_NAME                                       DELTA      CUR_VER    BASE_VER   REC_VER    WARNINGS  
= ================================================== ========== ========== ========== ========== ==========
*                      MAJOR      6.3.0      6.2.0      7.0.0      VERSION INCREASE REQUIRED
    >   class
        -   method     getDays()
            -   return     int
        +   method     newMethod()
    -   version    6.2.0
    +   version    6.3.0

Whoa!! What happened here?

[Baseline Warning] Bundle Version Change Recommended: 7.0.0

The report is telling us that we should increase the jar version to 7.0.0. That's aggressive.

*                      MAJOR      6.3.0      6.2.0      7.0.0      VERSION INCREASE REQUIRED
    >   class
        -   method     getDays()
            -   return     int
        +   method     newMethod()
    -   version    6.2.0
    +   version    6.3.0

At the package level, we can see that once again the package is dirty indicating that we have to take action with respect to versions. If we had any intention of putting this change in the hands of developers on maintenance releases we'd have some very angry developers since this is a breaking change that is NOT backward compatible.

Deleting a method from an established API is always a breaking change. So, unless this is in fact targeted at a major release we should not make this change. At most, if we need to indicate that the method should no longer be used, we can and should deprecate during maintenance releases and warn of removal in some future major release.

Other challenges

Several other challenges exist in very large projects like ours.


A rule of thumb in semantic versioning is that the jar version should reflect the highest version from among all the package versions found within the jar. We can extrapolate some insight from how quickly a jar's version increases over time in relation to other packages in the jar.

For instance, if some package within the jar increases by more than one major version while others do not, this is a good indication that this API is more volatile and should probably be extracted into it's own jar, increasing maintainability and reducing it's area of effect.

The flip side of that is if a particular package within a jar rarely changes in relation to other packages in the same jar it's also an indication that it should be extracted and from the rest. It's stable and safe code that should not be subjected to version increases like the rest. That's good code.

Split packages

Split packages occur when the same packages are defined in different jars. This causes problems since package versions may not coincide across those jars. Secondly, controlling access to the API using OSGi package dependencies is more difficult.

Massive packages

When a package contains many, many classes, it's more likely than not that not all classes still comprise the same API. The result is over aggressive API versioning when changes occur to some classes within the package which are not related to other classes in the package.

Take for example a well known Liferay package:


This package contains many utility classes most of which are not related to each other.

com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ArrayUtil com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ContentTypes

These two classes are completely unrelated. However, if any single class within this package is subject to a version change, the change must be reflected on all the classes in the package even though they are unrelated. This is a clear indication that they should have their own packages.

What's Next

Addressing all of the challenges above will be a considerable task. However, this tool provides a mechanism to progressively apply semantic versioning to our existing largely un-versioned code base. It will also provide is with hints as to how we can continue to improve our APIs in ways other than semantic versioning, such as isolating APIs from each other to reduce API over-versioning.

Our developers will learn about semantic versioning in an almost passive way which shouldn't greatly impede their day to day activities. Furthermore, they will learn to develop a responsibility for the degree of change they cause and hopefully together we will grow to be better developers.

Hey Ray - I think this is really really neat! I look forward to seeing how this is going to mold and shape how we move forward with handling contributions and commits to the product. Are you going to be talking about this more at the engineering retreat?