Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA132 Release

We are pleased to announce the release of Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA132!

Download options

Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below.

Docker image

To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132:

docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal:

Bundles and other download options

If you are used to binary releases, you can find the Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA132 release on the download page.  If you need additional files (for example, the source code, or dependency libraries), visit the release page.

Dependency Management

For development using the Liferay Platform, update Liferay Workspace to use the  lat est dependencies, by adding the following line to the build.gradle file:

dependencies {
	compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "release.portal.api"

All portal dependencies are now defined with a single declaration. When Ausing an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.  

By setting a product info key property it will be possible to update all dependencies to a new version by updating the liferay.workspace.product property in the liferay workspace projects file:

liferay.workspace.product = portal-7.4-ga132

When using an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ all apis are immediately available in autocomplete for immediate use.



​​​​​​​Centralized Products Eligibility and Configuration Management 

Feature Status: Release

The Centralized Products Eligibility and Configuration Management feature empowers catalog managers to efficiently manage individual products through multiple configuration pages containing all catalog’s products. With tools for manual configuration, eligibility-based visibility, and some bulk editing, this feature ensures streamlined operations and enhanced control over product offerings. Additionally, it enables faster and smarter management of product eligibility for channels, order types and accounts.


1. Improved Catalog Management Efficiency:

  • Simplified product configuration editing via a centralized, flat table view.

  • Streamlined workflows for managing product attributes like visibility, minimum/maximum quantities, eligibility and much more.

  • Avoid duplicating products to manage specific configurations by modifying targeted configurations instead.

  • Perform batch updates on visibility, eligibility, and other product attributes for multiple products, whilst inheriting base setting from the Master catalog configuration

  • Leverage pre-filled default master configurations to ensure consistency and simplify product setup when adding new products in a catalog.

2. Enhanced Control over Product Eligibility and Visibility:

  • Define and manage eligibility rules tailored to specific customer groups, channels, and accounts

  • Quickly adjust product availability and settings for various markets and segments (e.g. B2B vs B2C).

  • Streamline the management of seasonal items or time-sensitive offerings using configuration scheduling.

DocumentationProduct Configurations


Feature Status: Beta

This release introduces a new Multishipping feature to the storefront, allowing customers to ship parts the same order to multiple addresses with a single checkout. Whether customers are sending gifts to different recipients or shipping products to various locations, the Multishipping feature offers a seamless and flexible shopping experience.

Administrators can allow multishipping in their site through a new configuration in the site’s Channel details page. The customers can access a new “Multishipping” tab in the Open Order Details page to easily manage the Delivery Groups and customize the quantity of each order item for every Delivery Group for the order before the checkout.

Please note that this feature is available through the existing “Commerce Classic Site Initializer” Beta feature flag. To enable it, open the Applications Menu → Control Panel → Instance Settings → Feature Flags → Beta.


1. Easy to Setup: Multishipping can be activated for your site by enabling “Allow Multishipping” in your site’s Channel Details page.

2. Flexible Address and Delivery Management: Customers can easily set different shipping addresses or different delivery dates for the same address in the context of the same order.



Cloud Apps Provisioning directly on Marketplace

Feature Status: Release

Enhance the user experience by allowing users to directly provision cloud applications from marketplace platform, simplifying application deployment.


1. Streamlining Application Provisioning: Enable users to provision cloud applications directly from the Marketplace platform, eliminating the need for complex manual processes and without leaving the platform.

2. Intuitive User Interface: Provide an easy-to-use interface for installing and uninstalling cloud applications directly from the marketplace, including an intuitive form for inputting necessary information.

3. Efficient License Management: Offer a clear and intuitive interface for managing application licenses, ensuring compliance and optimizing resource utilization.

Documentation: Provisioning Cloud Apps

Accounts/Account Groups Warehouse Eligibility

Feature Status: GA

This feature allows warehouse managers to define granular eligibility rules for accounts and account groups to access specific warehouses. This enables fine-grained control over which customers can see and purchase inventory from which warehouses.


1. Improved Inventory Management:

  • Prevent unauthorized access to inventory data.

  • Strategically control product visibility based on inventory quantities and stock levels.

  • Optimize inventory allocation across customer segments.

2. Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Provide a more relevant and personalized shopping experience.

  • Improve customer satisfaction by prioritizing access for key customer segments.

3. Increased Revenue:

  • Generate higher revenue from valuable customer segments by prioritizing their access to inventory.

4. Reduced Lost Sales:

  • Minimize lost sales due to stockouts by limiting product visibility for certain customer groups.

DocumentationSetting Up Warehouses

Apply External Reference Codes to Commerce Widget Configurations

Feature Status: GA​​​​​​​

Added External Reference Codes for references in widget configurations in Commerce and User Management applications. This helps promote data integrity when pages and their widgets are migrated across environments.


References within the following page widgets now use External Reference Codes instead of internal IDs:

  • Cart

  • Cart Summary

  • Category Content

  • Commerce Addresses

  • Commerce Category Navigation

  • Mini Cart

  • Open Carts

  • Option Facet

  • Order Forecasts Chart

  • Organization Management

  • Placed Orders

  • Product Comparison Bar

  • Product Comparison Table

  • Product Details

  • Product Downloads

  • Product Publisher

  • Search Results(Commerce)

  • Specification Facet

Improvements to B2B Guest Checkout

Feature Status: Release​​​​​​​

Introducing new key improvements to the B2B Guest Checkout experience, enhancing the overall user journey and providing greater flexibility for both new and returning customers.

Guests now have the option to sign in or sign up during the checkout process, directly from the mini-cart. Once logged in, users can either select an existing account or create a new one, ensuring that they can move through the purchase flow smoothly without disruptions. Upon setting the account, guests, now logged-in users, will be redirected to the checkout, making the transition to completing the purchase seamless.

Additionally, if a guest decides to sign in without necessarily checking out, the guest cart will now be merged with their account after logging in. This ensures that any items added to the cart during the guest session are retained when they sign in or select an existing account, improving the continuity and experience for returning users.


1. Enhanced User Experience: By allowing guests to sign in or create an account directly from the mini-cart, we provide a more intuitive and streamlined checkout process. Guests can complete their purchase with minimal steps, reducing friction and abandonment rates.

2. Cart Persistence: The ability to merge guest carts ensures that items are not lost when guests decide to sign in or register. This improves convenience for returning users and supports a smoother transition between sessions.


DocumentationEnabling Guest Checkout

Liferay Labs

Feature Status: Release​​​​​​​

Liferay Labs is an innovation hub within Liferay Marketplace dedicated to exploring newer technologies and developing experimental features. It provides a wide range of useful applications developed by Liferay staff. These are available to the community from Marketplace.

Liferay Labs serves as a platform for rapid prototyping and testing new ideas. These apps may often be integrated as future Liferay features. Under Liferay Labs, you can also find all the legacy apps that are no longer under official support.

All apps offered by Liferay Labs are free but without support. However, you may give feedback on apps containing beta features as it helps in improving them for a future release.


1. Innovation Hub: serves as a testing ground for new and experimental technologies within the Liferay ecosystem.
Enables rapid prototyping and exploration of novel ideas.

2. Community Access: provides a platform for sharing valuable applications developed by Liferay staff with the broader Liferay community.
Makes these applications readily available through the Liferay Marketplace.

3. Future Feature Roadmap:Acts as a proving ground for potential future features of the Liferay platform. Allows for real-world testing and user feedback on new functionalities before official integration.

4. Legacy Application Repository: serves as an archive for legacy applications that are no longer officially supported. Enables users to access and utilize these applications if needed, while acknowledging their limited support.

​​​​​​​Documentation: Liferay Labs​​​​​​​

External Reference Code Support for Currencies

Feature Status: GA

External Reference Code is now supported in Currencies.

It is also now possible to use the ERC to update and delete Currencies via their headless APIs.

Additional ERC support for the entities that have a relation with a currency has been added when creating new Catalogs, Channels, Price Lists/Promotions, Orders and Payments.


  • Enhanced Data Management;

  • Improved Integration Capabilities;

  • Enhanced System Scalability;

  • Reduced Errors

DocumentationCurrency API Basics

Enable filter by Custom Fields for Accounts and Account Groups

Feature Status: GA

This feature enhances the filtering capabilities within the headless-admin-user endpoints by enabling filtering based on custom fields for Accounts and Account Groups.


  • Improved Data Retrieval Efficiency

  • Enhanced Data Management

  • Increased User Productivity

DocumentationAccount Groups API Basics

Align User Management Headless API to the Standard

Feature Status: GA

This feature focuses on rigorously aligning the User Management headless APIs with the established standards and best practices. This includes:

  • Comprehensive Functionality Testing: Verifying that all API endpoints (PATCH/POST/PUT) correctly update the expected fields in user records.

  • Custom Field Support: Ensuring seamless integration and proper functioning of custom fields within the API interactions.

  • Error Handling: Thoroughly testing error handling mechanisms and verifying that informative and user-friendly error messages are returned in all relevant scenarios.

  • Data Manipulation Capabilities: Confirming the correct and efficient functioning of sorting, filtering, and other data manipulation operations within the API.


  • Enhanced User Experience: By ensuring the reliability and accuracy of the User Management headless APIs, we provide a seamless and efficient user experience for developers and integrators.

  • Increased Developer Productivity: Well-defined and documented APIs empower developers to build integrations quickly and confidently, reducing development time and effort.

  • Improved System Stability: Rigorous testing and alignment with standards minimize the risk of unexpected errors and system disruptions, leading to a more stable and reliable user management system.

  • Enhanced Data Integrity: By ensuring accurate data updates and consistent API behavior, we maintain the integrity and consistency of user data across the system.

Content Management

View/Download Permissions Improvements

Feature Status: GA

Default View and Download permissions for documents have been adjusted to match the behavior prior to the changes introduced in LPD-16744, restoring the expected user experience.


  • The View and Download permissions will be linked by default when uploading documents through the single and multiple file uploaders

  • The Permissions configuration UI is improved so users can more easily recognize that the View and Download permissions are separate permissions

  • The Download permission is now automatically included when a user shares a document and assigns permissions

DocumentationDocuments and Media Permissions Reference

Apply ERC to Categories/Tags

Feature Status: GA

We added External Reference Codes for Categories and Tags and their associated API’s, improving their portability for data migration scenarios.


  • Users can now perform CRUD operations using a Tag’s ERC through its headless API (Keyword)

  • Users can now perform CRUD operations using a Category’s ERC through its headless API (TaxonomyCategory)

DocumentationCategories and Vocabulary API Basics

Apply ERC to CM Widget Configurations

Feature Status: GA

We added External Reference Codes for references in widget configurations in Content Management applications. This helps promote data integrity when pages and their widgets are migrated across environments.


  • References within the following page widgets now use ERC’s instead of internal ID’s:

    • Announcements

    • Web Content Display

    • Category Filters

    • Questions

DocumentationDefault Widgets Reference

Add Missing API’s for Documents & Media

Feature Status: GA

We added several API endpoints for Documents & Media to improve programmatic management of these entities.


  • Users can now add, delete, and retrieve document types via headless API (DocumentDataDefinitionType)

  • Users can now add, delete, and retrieve document metadata sets via headless API (DocumentMetadataSet)

DocumentationDocument Types and Metadata Sets API Basics

Subscription action support for D&M

Feature Status: GA

It is now possible to subscribe to documents and folders, allowing users to receive notifications when they are updated.


  • Users can now subscribe to documents and folders through the “Subscribe” action and through the Subscribe icon in the Info Panel

  • If a user subscribes to a folder, all documents and subfolders within it will be automatically subscribed to as well

Documentation Managing Files

Support View Usages for D&M

It is now possible to view where a document is being displayed on a page.


  • Users can now view a document’s usages through the “View Usage” action in the entry. This will show all locations where the document is mapped or displayed to the end user

DocumentationManaging Files

Site Management

Publications' Timeline History: expanded asset type support.

Feature Status: Release

This release expands the support of the Timeline History feature to Blogs, Wiki pages, Bookmarks, Forms, Knowledge base, Message boards, and Categories. The feature enhances the publication toolbar with tools to detect and manage collaboration conflicts.

  • A timeline icon shows recent modifications in the same asset, which may have been done in production or parallel Publications.

  • The user can view, discard, or move these changes directly from the toolbar.

  • Warning icons appear to make users aware of current conflicts in the Publication.


  • Enhanced context for content editors and managers for a streamlined collaboration.

  • New capabilities to detect conflicts before publishing time, while users may have more time to decide how to resolve conflicts without the go-live pressure.

DocumentationUsing the Publications Toolbar

Simplified conflict resolution user actions

Feature Status: Release

This set of improvements aims to simplify the manual work users must do to resolve conflicts when publishing a publication. Now, instead of raising a conflict to be resolved manually by the user, the system will try to overwrite conflicting changes in production with the modifications done in the publication, meaning that the Modification and Modification deletion conflict types won’t be presented for the user anymore.

In the case of a Deletion modification conflict, the system won’t resolve it automatically, but now it makes it easier to keep the modifications made in the publication. In the Conflicting changes screen, we added a button with the option to "Restore in Production" for conflicts in which the asset was deleted from production and is now in the Recycle bin.


  • Reduce the amount of manual work by automatically solving most of the conflicts.

  • Improve user satisfaction and reliability on publications by ensuring that assets supported by Recycle Bin can be quickly restored, avoiding requiring the user to discard needed changes.


Backward Compatibility for "Out-of-date" Publications

Feature Status: Release

Provided an option to turn the “Out-of-date” feature on/off. When turned on (the default behavior before this release), ongoing publications created in previous Liferay versions were labeled as “Out-of-date” after the upgrade and could not be modified or published. This feature is now off by default, and users can publish these publications without Liferay support.


Increase manageability over publications and the ability to publish any previous modification, including after Liferay upgrades.

DocumentationCreating and Managing Publications

Page Management

In-context Form Container translations

Feature Status: Release

This release introduces in-context translation for text-based form fields (Text, Rich Text, and Textarea) directly within the page editor. This empowers content creators to easily create localized form experiences for their users, enabling them to complete forms in their preferred language. Only designated localizable form fields will be translated, ensuring precise control over localized content.

Documentation: Translating Fields in Form Containers

Consolidate Option Menus in All Widgets Added to a Content Page

Feature Status: GA

The two separate option menus currently displayed in the Web Content Display widget have been merged into a single, consolidated dropdown menu for content creators. This new menu will improve the user experience by reducing confusion and unnecessary clicks, ensuring all relevant widget actions (e.g., Hide Widget, Duplicate, Export/Import, etc.) are easily accessible.

​​​​​​​Additional log after fragment Import

Feature Status: GA

Added logging to indicate the completion of fragment deployments via the deploy folder. This provides better visibility into the deployment process and allows for tracking deployment duration.

There are some advantages of including a message like that, e.g.

  • Count the duration of a deployment

  • See the fragment progress deployment until it is deployed.

Provide Accessibility Functionality to Miller Columns

Improved keyboard navigation and column resizing for Miller columns. Users can now navigate between columns both horizontally (deeper levels) and vertically (same level) using the keyboard. Column widths are also responsive, adapting to different screen sizes.

DocumentationAdding a Page to a Site ​​​​​​

Page Management

Improved Accessibility for Chart Colors

The updated Clay chart colour palette improves accessibility and usability by creating more contrast and adding more variations. Now users can easily distinguish charts, icons, and field sets, reducing confusion and improving clarity.


  • Now we have more design flexibility for Liferay’s current and future products.

  • Accessible and distinguishable colors that will improve and unify the platform usability and UI.

Support for Language Override in Client Extensions

Feature Status: Release

Liferay 7.4 introduces the ability to manage language translations directly within client extensions. This enhancement allows developers to provide multilingual support for custom labels and properties without relying solely on OSGi bundles.


  • Developers can now define and manage language keys and translations within the client extension itself, ensuring that all labels and custom properties are displayed correctly across different languages.

  • This feature eliminates the issue of untranslated labels with dashes, providing a consistent and professional appearance on multilingual sites.

  • Simplifies the process of adding translations, reducing the need for manual intervention and external OSGi bundles, thus accelerating the development and deployment of multilingual features.

  • Empowers developers to create more flexible and fully localized custom elements and themes, enhancing the overall versatility of the Liferay platform.

DocumentationLanguage Client Extensions

Enable Admin Client Extensions to Customize Theme and General CSS

Feature Status: Release

This improvement allows users to customize the appearance of their Liferay instance more effectively with new properties in the .yaml file for Theme CSS and CSS Client Extensions.


  • Admins can personalize the interface for both the admin panel and the entire platform.

  • A more cohesive, branded appearance will improve usability and satisfaction for all users.

  • Allows fine-grained control over where customizations are applied.


Add New Languages and Locales

Feature Status: Beta

The addition of new translations and locales ensures that users in regions like Macedonia, Norway, Belgium, Switzerland, and Austria can interact with the platform in their preferred language or regional variation.


  • Tailors the user experience for specific markets and regions, improving relevance and usability.

  • We made the platform more inclusive by expanding language and locale options.


Compatibility with Elasticsearch 8.17

Feature Status: GA

Elasticsearch 8.17 has been tested and added to the compatibility matrix.

Reminder: Elasticsearch 7.17 EOL in 2025
Liferay strongly recommends all customers with Elasticsearch 7.x deployments to begin the planning phase for an upgrade project to the latest compatible Elasticsearch 8.x version.
Elasticsearch 7.17.x versions are supported and maintained until Elasticsearch version 9 is released.
While Elastic does not provide specific release dates for future releases, for Elasticsearch 9.0.0, the new release is anticipated in early calendar year 2025.

DocumentationUpgrading Elasticsearch

OpenSearch 2.x Connector (Marketplace)

Feature Status: Beta

The Marketplace release of the Liferay Connector to OpenSearch 2 provides an alternative to Elasticsearch for Self-Hosted Liferay deployments.

This connector integrates Liferay DXP with OpenSearch 2.12+, the open source and enterprise grade search engine. OpenSearch offers lexical search for text data, robust scalability and extensibility, and vector search for applications using embeddings, such as Liferay's Semantic Search.

The installation of this app requires specific configurations covered in the official documentation. For detailed compatibility information, see the Search Engine Compatibility Matrix.

The OpenSearch integration is currently a Beta feature with the intention to make it GA in the future.

Documentation: OpenSearch ​​​​​​​

Frontend Infrastructure

Data Sets Release

Feature Status: Release

Official release of Liferay Data Sets, moving from Beta to Release! Data Sets are a powerful and flexible way to retrieve, manage, visualize, and interact with structured data in Liferay DXP. Built on top of Objects and leveraging Liferay’s robust ecosystem, Data Sets exemplify the “build Liferay with Liferay” philosophy. With seamless integration with compatible Headless APIs, administrators can easily configure Data Sets and empower end-users with a rich, customizable experience for consuming and interacting with data.


  • Retrieve Data: Fetch information from any compatible Headless API to use as a Data Set source.

  • Manage Flexibility: Administrators can customize what parts of the API response are included, along with filters, sorting options, and available actions.

  • Visualize Data: Multiple visualization options make it easier than ever for end-users to consume data meaningfully.

  • Enable Interaction: End-users can interact dynamically with data using the filters, actions, and tools configured by administrator

React 18 Upgrade

Feature Status: GA

To ensure the quality, stability, and modernity of Liferay DXP, we've updated to React 18, bringing significant benefits in security, performance, and compatibility. This update is critical to maintaining DXP's status as a robust and future-proof platform.


  • Security Enhancements: Older library versions can expose vulnerabilities. Upgrading to React 18 mitigates these risks by incorporating the latest security patches.

  • Performance Improvements: React 18 introduces features like concurrent rendering, which enhances responsiveness and load handling for better user experiences.

  • Enhanced Compatibility: Upgrading ensures DXP aligns with modern tools and frameworks, minimizing integration challenges and future-proofing our development processes.

  • Continued Support: Staying current with React’s ecosystem ensures ongoing access to community updates, bug fixes, and innovations.

New CSP directives supported

Feature Status: Beta

We’ve introduced robust Content Security Policy (CSP) capabilities to enhance the security of your digital experience platform. This feature supports eight key directives, including script-src and style-src among others, ensuring secure handling of scripts, styles, images, and more. By leveraging these directives, developers can mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and data injection risks. The CSP implementation aligns with modern web security standards, offering both flexibility and protection. Administrators can now enforce stricter security policies without compromising functionality.


  • Enhanced Security: Mitigates risks of XSS and data injection attacks by controlling resource loading and execution.

  • Compliance-Friendly: Aligns with industry-standard security requirements, supporting stricter compliance protocols.

  • Customizable Policies: Allows developers to tailor CSP directives to meet specific project or organizational needs.

  • Improved Trust: Strengthens end-user trust by providing a more secure and reliable platform experience.

Supported directives with recommended values:


​​​​​​​Documentation:  Configuring Content Security Policy Headers

Core Infrastructure

Custom module language translation override

Feature Status: GA

In order to make it easier to manage and override portal language translations, modules have a new configuration that allows language keys to be defined specifically for a single module. This also allows the user to override a system-wide language key programmatically within the module.

An existing feature allows modules to use the Language Resources header (liferay.language.resources) in a module's bnd.bnd file to include custom files. This header gets added automatically by Liferay Workspace when a custom language file is present.

A new variable was added within this header, module.only="[true/false]"to allow the user to set language keys to be specific only for that module and override any existing keys in the system.

Business Process Management

ERC for Web Content Structures

Feature Status: GA

Addresses a feature gap when moving web content and documents between environments

Documentation: Managing Web Content Structures

ERC for Workflow Configurations

Feature Status: GA

​​​​​​​Addresses a feature gap when moving applications built on Liferay between environments

DocumentationWorkflow Definition Link API Basics

ERC for Object references in Fragments

Feature Status: GA

Addresses a feature gap when moving applications built on Liferay between environments

Root Objects

Feature Status: Release

Previously, when managing complex data models, users must create scripts or code in order to make changes to multiple related objects. Now users are able to configure multiple objects as if they are one object. Related child objects now inherit permissions and account restrictions and more from the top level parent, making object management more convenient.

Key benefits:

Simplifies the management of multiple objects through a configuration on the relationship between objects

  • Permissions and Account Restrictions for the child objects are inherited from the Top level parent

  • API endpoints are nested under the same namespace of the top level parent

​​​​​​​Documentation:  Root Objects

ERC for Object references in Content Pages

Feature Status: GA

Addresses a feature gap when moving content pages across environments

Service Builder Entities as Objects

Feature Status: GA

Applications built on top of Service Builder can now be migrated to Liferay Objects

DocumentationIntegrating Service Builder Applications with Objects ​​​​​​​


Filter capability to Batch Engine for Object Entries

Feature Status: GA

The batch engine's export endpoints now support filtering for object entries. This addresses a previous limitation where filtering was not applied to object entries during batch exports. This update ensures consistent data handling and filtering behavior across all entity types.


  • Object entries Personalization
  • Equalize capabilities for all entities

DocumentationBatch Engine API Basics - Exporting Data

Export / Import Object Entries with permissions in Batch Engine

Feature Status: GA

Until now, there was no way in batch engine to export and import object entries and their permissions simultaneously. This new capability allows users to do that, streamlining workflows and reducing manual effort.


  • Execution in only one call.

  • Possibility for users to choose to take into account (or not) permissions with object entries.

DocumentationExporting Custom Objects

Keep Creator Data for Objects Entries at Batch Engine

Feature Status: GA

Data imports, using batch engine, now allows users to preserve content creator information (if required). Previously, imported content with batch was always assigned the user performing the import, resulting in loss of original authorship data when moving content. This update ensures accurate attribution of content ownership (if required).


  • Able to keep critical user information during data promotion between environments

  • Can be configured separately per import process

DocumentationBatch Engine API Basics - Importing Data

Application Security

SCIM email notification about access token expiration

​​​​​​​Feature Status: Release

Implemented proactive access token management with automated email notifications. Users will now receive alerts 1 month, 10 days, and 1 day prior to token expiration, allowing for timely renewal and preventing service disruptions. Notifications are automatically cancelled if a new token is generated.


  • Users are notified before token expiration, allowing for timely renewal and uninterrupted access.

  • Reducing administrative overhead, as automated notifications eliminate the need for manual monitoring and intervention.

  • By prompting timely renewals, the risk of using expired and potentially compromised tokens is minimized.

DocumentationSystem for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM)


All documentation for Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce can now be found on our documentation site:  For more information on upgrading to Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132 see refer to the Upgrade Overview.

Compatibility Matrix

Liferay's general policy is to test Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce  against newer major releases of operating systems, open source app servers, browsers, and open source databases (we regularly update the bundled upstream libraries to fix bugs or take advantage of new features in the open source we depend on). 

Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132 and Liferay Commerce 4.0 GA132 were tested extensively for use with the following Application/Database Servers: 

Application Server

  • Tomcat 9.0

  • Wildfly 26.1


  • MySQL 5.7, 8.0

  • MariaDB 10.2, 10.4, 10.6

  • PostgreSQL 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x, 16.x


  • Oracle JDK 17

  • Oracle JDK 21 (recommended)

  • All Java Technical Compatibility Kit (TCK) compliant builds of the respective Java major versions are certified

Search Engine Compatibility Matrix

Source Code

Source is available as a zip archive on the release page, or on its home on GitHub.

Bug Reporting

If you believe you have encountered a bug in the new release you can report your issue by following the bug reporting instructions.

Getting Support

Support is provided by our awesome community. Please visit getting started for more details on how you can receive support.

Fixes and Known Issues