New Liferay Project SDK 20190926 with Developer Studio 3.7.0​​​​​​​

The new release of Liferay Project SDK and Studio Installers 3.7.0 ga1 has been made available. This new package support for eclipse Photon or greater.



Customer downloads:

For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page.

Community downloads:


Release highlights:

Installers Improvements:

  • Added installation support on OpenJDK 11

Development Improvements:

  • The Gradle plugin buildship was updated to the latest version, 3.1.2
  • Improved deployment support for Liferay 7.x
    • Integration of Blade CLI 3.8.0
    • Support for Liferay Workspace Gradle 2.1.5
  • Improvements in the Liferay Upgrade Plan
  • Improved support for creating the modules ext wizard
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes


About Modules Ext Wizard

Creating an ext module requires an existing liferay gradle workspace with target platform enabled. And users can launch new ext files wizard once creating a module ext project.



If you run into any issues or have any suggestions, please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!


Whats the date like for Liferay Developer Studio 3.71 stable (not trial) version to be released? Hate to start on a trial and then change mid way.

Hello Achmed,


Liferay Developer Studio 3.7.1 has been released, check it in this blog:


Best Regards.

Hi Yanan,


How about newer release with support for 7.2.1 GA2 ? Noticed that also not updated.  




Hello Arun,


The 3.7.1 supports for 7.2.1 GA2(tomcat 9.0.17).



Yep. But, when you try to create a new workspace, the target platform option doesn't have 7.2.1( , so you have to change the  in to 7.2.1 manually.

Good point. Yes, you're right. We haven't add it since 3.7.1 has been released before 7.2.1. 

For now, users need to change the target.platform version manually. 

Please watch this IDE-4701 ticket, we will update in next release.



Can you help me? I am new to Liferay DXP; I have just signed up to a 30 day trial as my company are due to start using it soon. However, when I click on the 'Customer' link in your post, I am just redirected to the page where I signed up for the 30 day trial in the first place!!! Am I missing something?