New Liferay Project SDK Installers 2019.01.21

The new release of Liferay Project SDK and Studio Installers has been made available today. This new package support for Eclipse photon or greater.


For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page

Community downloads

Release highlights

Installers Improvements:

  • Bundle latest Liferay Portal 7.1.1 GA2 in LiferayProjectSDKwithDevStudioCommunityEdition installers
  • Support userHome parameter in command line mode

Development Improvements:

  • Update gradle plugin buildship to latest 3.0.2
  • Better support for liferay workspace
  • Watch support improvements
  • Better deployment support for Liferay 7
    • support Liferay 71 CE GA2 Tomcat and Wildfly
    • integration of Blade CLI 3.4.1
    • support Liferay Workspace Gradle 1.10.13
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes




If you run into any issues or have any suggestions, please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project), we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!


Thank you for sharing this information & SDK. Liferay Digital Experience Network (DXP) is an innovative enterprise level software solution that enables simple transformation of different digital business processes.
