Liferay IntelliJ Plugin 1.0.0 Released

The latest release of Liferay IntelliJ 1.0.0 plugin has been made available today. Head over to this page for downloading.


The most notable features for this latest 1.0.0 release are :


  • Support watch for module development

  • Support for Liferay 7.1 development

  • Improved Editor Support

    • XML file references

    • OSGi code completion

      • portlet-module-hints.xml

      • custom-sql/default.xml  

      • OSGi component properties

  • Support custom portal paths

  • Support uninstall bundles during liferay watch


Using Editors






Custom Liferay Server


Developer mode is enabled by default for liferay servers. In addition to initialize a server from liferay workspace, you also can browse your own server.



Liferay Watch Support


Liferay watch allows users to see the changes they make without requiring a full redeploy. Right click on a single module or a folder which contains liferay module projects to enable Liferay watch. And once you stop liferay watch task, the module will be removed automatically.




Liferay watch requires com . liferay . gradle . plugins . workspace plugin 1.9.2 or greater.

Watch task will detect the chagnes you made once you press CTRL+s.


Special Thanks

Thanks so much to Dominik Marks and danielebb for the improvements.
