New Installers and IDE 3.2.0 Milestone 1 Released

New Installers Released


Hello all,


We are pleased to announce a new release of Liferay Project SDK 2018.4.4 installer, Liferay Project SDK with Dev Studio Community Edition installer and Liferay Project SDK with Dev Studio DXP Installer.


New Installers:


New installers requires Eclipse Oxygen at least. For customers, they can download all of them on the customer studio download page.


Same as the previous 3.1 GA release, the installer is the full fledged Liferay Developer Studio installer which installs Liferay workspace, blade, Developer Studio and comes pre-bundled with latest Liferay DXP server. It also support to config a proxy using for download gradle dependencies.


If you want to upgrade from Studio 3.1 B1 or 3.1 GA versions, you need to add Oxygen updatesite and update to Oxygen first. Then you can upgrade through Help > Install New Software... dialog.


Upgrade From previous 3.1.x:

  1. Download updatesite here?
  2. Go to Help > Install New Software… > Add…
  3. Select Archive...Browse to the downloaded updatesite
  4. Click OK to close Add repository dialog
  5. Select all features to upgrade then click > Next, again click > Next and accept the license agreements
  6. Finish and restart to complete the upgrade


Release highlights:

  • Support Liferay Bundle 7.1
  • Bundle latest Liferay Portal

- bundle 7.1.0 Alpha in LiferayProjectSDKwithDevStudioCommunityEdition installers

- bundle DXP SP7 in LiferayProjectSDKwithDevStudioDXP installers

  • Third party plugins update

- update m2e to 1.8.2

- update bndtools to 4.0.0

- update gradle plugin buildship to 2.2.1

  • Code Update Tool

- more than 110 breaking changes for Liferay DXP/7

- improvements on auto fix

- performance improvement on finding breaking changes

  • Better Liferay Workspace Support

- update gradle workpsace version to 1.9.0

- update maven workspace

  • Liferay DXP/7 bundle support improvement

- integrate Liferay DXP SP7 support for Tomcat and Wildfly

- integrate Liferay 7 CE GA5 support for Tomcat and Wildfly

  • Better deployment support for Liferay DXP/7

- integration of Blade CLI 3.0.0

- support Plugins sdk 1.0.16

- support Liferay Workspace Maven

- support Liferay Worksapce Grade 1.9.0

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes

If you run into any issues or have any suggestions please come find us on our community forums or report them on JIRA (IDE project) , we are always around to try to help you out. Good luck!

Hey,YANAN YUAN. I download the new version of Liferay Dev Studio. It can
create module with version of Liferay 7.1. but When refresh build.gradle
dependencies, the version of the package automatically downloaded from
mvnrepository is Liferay 7.0. How to set it to 7.1 or local package?
Thank you.