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David H Nebinger | 26 Mar 2025

Introduction On March 18th, 2025, Liferay sent an email to clients and partners outlining the roadmap for migrating from Java EE to Jakarta EE that is coming in the 2025.Q3 release. It’s a necessary step Liferay has to take to be compatible with the latest versions of the supported application servers, and there’s lots of benefits that will come with this change… ...

David H Nebinger | 05 Mar 2025

So this is just a quick post inspired by an answer my friend Evan Thibodeau posted to a Liferay Community Slack question: Hi, how to develop admin applications (i.e. the ones that can be added and accessed in control panel or applications menu) without using osgi modules? I didn't think this was possible and replied as such... But Evan knew this was...

David H Nebinger | 27 Feb 2025

Introduction In my first post, Goodbye MySQL, Hello PostgreSQL, I shared that after a lot of practical research, Liferay had decided to move their cloud platforms off of MySQL and onto PostgreSQL for performance reasons. I also indicated that Liferay was working on tooling to support this migration, but at the time it was not available so that's all I wrote about it. ...

Jamie Sammons | 21 Feb 2025

Download options Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below. Docker image To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA132: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal: Bundles and other download options ...

David H Nebinger | 17 Jan 2025

Introduction Goodbye MySQL? No, don't worry, Liferay isn't dropping support for MySQL, don't start panicking just yet. Liferay has been transitioning new PaaS and new/existing SaaS systems from MySQL to PostgreSQL 16, so the cloud-based systems are saying goodbye to MySQL and saying hello to PostgreSQL... This blog post isn't really about announcing the change, I ...

David H Nebinger | 09 Jan 2025

So I wasn't planning on writing this blog today, but it is hitting a lot of people and I'm sure there's going to be a slew of reported issues on this, so I felt I should get the word out... If you are doing a build that involves the Liferay JS npm bundler, you may get errors such as: node:internal/fs/utils:344 throw err; ^ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory,...

David H Nebinger | 06 Jan 2025

A real quick one today so everyone is aware. The next releases of Liferay, DXP 2025.Q1 and CE GA 134, will be built using JDK 17. This means that JDKs 8 and 11 will not be an option at all. You'll get class version exceptions at startup if you try using the JDK8 or JDK11 runtimes. The only option is going to be using the JDK17 or JDK21 runtimes. This will apply to...

David H Nebinger | 06 Jan 2025

Introduction For a long time now Private Pages have been deprecated by Liferay... From a platform perspective, they are really a pain. A site can be made up of two different kinds of pages, public and private, they [potentially] have different host urls, but generally they are confusing to new Liferay adopters (we often hear questions like "What's the difference...

Jamie Sammons | 20 Dec 2024

Download options Liferay Portal and Liferay Commerce share the same Bundle and Docker image.  To get started using either Liferay Portal or Liferay Commerce, choose the best download option suited for your environment below. Docker image To use Liferay Portal 7.4 GA129: docker run -it -p 8080:8080 liferay/portal: Bundles and other download options ...

David H Nebinger | 27 Dec 2024

Well, we've done it! We've updated finally from React 16 to React 18 at the portal level. In DXP 2025.Q1 and CE GA 134*, Liferay is no longer going to be based on React 16. This is significant since React 16 was first released in 2017, so we were pretty far behind on an update there. Granted React 18 was released in 2022, so it's really only about 2 years behind, but there was...

David H Nebinger | 25 Nov 2024

Just a quick one today... So I'm working on some Client Extensions and wanted to see the impact that deployment would have across virtual instances. FWIW, CX are only supposed to affect the virtual instance they are deployed to. But, normally to access different virtual instances, you need different virtual hosts (domain names) in order to access the different...

Daniel Martinez Cisneros | 08 Nov 2024

This article provides the necessary steps to configure Cross-Cluster Replication (CCR) for Elasticsearch with Liferay on a local machine. By following this guide, you’ll simulate the behavior of CCR with Liferay for testing purposes. CCR is only available in the DXP version, and an LES license is necessary to enable this feature. In a typical Liferay DXP/search engine setup,...

David H Nebinger | 11 Oct 2024

So this past summer a number of my Office Hours sessions had to be cancelled. All I really said at the time was that I was sorry about cancelling the sessions and that I was busy traveling. And you should know, both of these statements were true. But I didn't really explain why I was traveling... So, here it is - Liferay is getting back in the Liferay Training business....

David H Nebinger | 11 Oct 2024

Many weeks ago I blogged about how I could no longer add images to blogs and this was preventing me from publishing some entries I had which needed screen shots... We have since fixed that issue, but I'm not sure I shared what happened. As it turns out, on we were following security best practices by creating and configuring a Role with necessary permissions,...

David H Nebinger | 10 Oct 2024

Just a quick one today that will hopefully save you some time if you hit this yourself... I'm updating a workspace to use JDK-21 (it was previously working fine w/ JDK-11). When I started Tomcat, I immediately got an error: 10-Oct-2024 15:36:08.783 SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig. deployDescriptor Error deploying deployment descriptor ...

Mohammed Yasin | 02 Oct 2024

Liferay Objects has been one of the powerful features of Liferay. It provides codeless approach of building application. It provides headless api which can be used for accessing object entry data. These endpoints provide us options for searching, filtering, sorting and aggregating the data (Refer). In this blog, we will see how we can make use of this Filter, Sort and Search...

David H Nebinger | 27 Sep 2024

Introduction As evidenced by my recent blogs, I'm still on a React Custom Element Client Extension tear... I think this is the best way to develop custom solutions on Liferay because they are free from the Liferay upgrade cycle, so effectively I'm writing these solutions once and I'm done. As you start building out multiple custom elements though, you'll quickly find...

David H Nebinger | 25 Sep 2024

My good friend Andrew Jardine has started upgrading his Mastering Liferay site, currently on 7.1, and he's going to be upgrading it to the latest 7.4. However, he recently was blessed with a new M3 MacBook and, when he was trying to build his 7.1 workspace, he was hit with an error: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:   ...

David H Nebinger | 25 Sep 2024

Recently I was helping a client who seemed be under a DDOS attack... Analysis of traffic showed a large number of incoming requests that seemed to be doing searches for various expected keywords. And there were a lot of these requests. Since they were doing searches, this of course had an impact on their Liferay system, slowing response times, reducing platform capacity, and...

vinoth kumar | 17 Sep 2024

We may face some scenario to execute a process which might consume JVM memory and keeps the web page loading when dealing with large tasks like file uploads. Liferay has BackgroundTaskExecutor which internally acts like multi-threading which we require to send metadata to the background so the BackgroundTask Framework will take care of executing the task in background. Below...