Radio Liferay Episode 62: David Nebinger

Frequently Asked Questions

   I've taken the opportunity to meet David Nebinger, the most prolific forum poster and blogger for Liferay. And as we both are often stumbling about similar questions - in the community as well as on our job - we've been talking about exactly those ever repeating questions.


Here are some of the topics that we talked about:

  • David's history with Liferay, reaching back to version 4.x
  • Should I use an ext-plugin and what problem does it seem to solve? (TL;DR: No)
  • 10:35 Should I make changes to the database? (TL;DR: No)
    • But... I need to add a column to the built-in tables...
    • Liferay's Expando API (Custom Fields)
    • What changes to the database might do to your future upgrades
    • The alternative to change data directly
  • Fake Entities (a ServiceBuilder feature that was of good use in earlier versions but is now well superceded by just standard OSGi Declarative Services)
  • Things Liferay won't say. Full article, well worth a read
    • What Appserver should I use?
    • How should I build my portlets?
    • What database should I use?
  • Why doesn't Liferay tell me how to size my cluster?
  • Devcon 2019:
    • David's upcoming presentation on "Programmatically loading your site with content"
    • His interest in Headless features of Liferay
    • His recommendation to come to the Unconference
  • How to come up with the topics for David's blog articles, and what's in his queue
  • Why should I use ServiceBuilder?
  • More reasons to come to Devcon ;)

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(*) At the time of publishing this episode, you actually won't find everything - the Radio Liferay homepage didn't yet move to the community pages, so it isn't updated with newer episodes. Sorry - we're working on it, but as the podcast is a spare time project, working on the infrastructure is slower than on other projects... But the feed works already - just subscribe...

More Blog Entries


This podcast is useful and engaging even after DevCon 2019. Great to hear two long-time Liferay experts share some of their experiences and insights. I share David's excitement in the new headless apis - in particular for me the new GraphQL support.