Blade and Gradle Workspace Refresh

Sometimes it is necessary to refresh to update available versions.

So I was starting a new workspace yesterday, issued my normal command:

$ blade init projectname
Error: The command init is missing required parameters.
The following option is required: [-v | --liferay-version] The Liferay product to 
target. Typing "more" will show all product versions.
1: dxp-2024.q1.6
2: dxp-2023.q4.9
3: portal-7.4-ga112
4: dxp-2023.q3.9
5: dxp-7.3-u36
6: dxp-7.3-u35
7: dxp-7.2.8
8: portal-7.3-ga8
9: portal-7.2-ga2

I often go this route to get the list of versions since I have to change targets.

But I was briefly dismayed because I knew for a fact that dxp-2024.q1.7 was available but wasn't in the list.

I needed to refresh the blade list, so I hit a ctrl-c and then used the command:

$ blade init projectname --refresh-releases
Checking for new releases...
Error: The command init is missing required parameters.
The following option is required: [-v | --liferay-version] The Liferay product to 
target. Typing "more" will show all product versions.
1: dxp-2024.q1.7
2: dxp-2023.q4.9
3: portal-7.4-ga112
4: dxp-2023.q3.9
5: dxp-7.3-u36
6: dxp-7.3-u35
7: dxp-7.2.8
8: portal-7.3-ga8
9: portal-7.2-ga2

This extra argument forces Blade to refresh a local file, ~/.liferay/workspaces/release.json which is a local copy of the file from which contains all of the available releases.

So I picked the 2024 Q1.7 release and my new workspace was ready.

So today I found out that Q1.8 was released. I already had a workspace, so all I needed to do was change my and set the liferay.workspace.product to be dxp-2024.q1.8 and I should have been good to go.

After changing, I did the ./gradlew initBundle command, but it didn't know anything about Q1.8. Again, the local file was cached from yesterday.

To refresh the file, I used a special command, which I'm including below between the before and after listings:

$ head ~/.liferay/workspace/releases.json
    "product": "dxp",
    "productGroupVersion": "2024.q1",
    "productVersion": "DXP 2024.Q1.7",
    "promoted": "true",
    "releaseKey": "dxp-2024.q1.7",
    "targetPlatformVersion": "2024.q1.7",
    "url": ""
$ gw --stop && gw initBundle -Dliferay.workspace.refresh.liferay.releases
No Gradle daemons are running.
Starting a Gradle Daemon (subsequent builds will be faster)

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with 
Gradle 8.0.

You can use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings and 
determine if they come from your own scripts or plugins.

3 actionable tasks: 3 executed
$ head ~/.liferay/workspace/releases.json
    "product": "dxp",
    "productGroupVersion": "2024.q1",
    "productVersion": "DXP 2024.Q1.8",
    "promoted": "true",
    "releaseKey": "dxp-2024.q1.8",
    "targetPlatformVersion": "2024.q1.8",
    "url": ""

Most of the time, and for most of you out there, this isn't really going to be something you have to worry about.

The cached file is only good for 7 days, on the 8th day the tooling will fetch the update automatically.

But in case you run into this yourself, you'll now know how to handle the refresh.
