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2022 Agenda

Doors Open and World Discovery

No presenter (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 10:00 UTC
We're on Workadventure - and it takes a while to get used to the platform.
Make sure to come early, try out your webcam and audio setup, talk to people and get the vibe of the platform.
This event is made for you, so that you can talk to anybody who has built or discovered bragworthy features, or who just helps you out with smart ideas. Or for you to showcase your smart ideas.
Get your webcam and headset ready and explore what we built.
Grand Opening

The team behind /dev/24 (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 11:00 UTC
We're going live, again. And again on Workadventure.
If you've been here last year, prepare for an update in format: Prepare to talk more and have your webcam and headset ready to meet speakers, developers, community, partners. Share your experience and get everybody else's experience.
Integrate and Exchange Data

Igor Bešlić and Sergio Jiménez (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 11:30 UTC
This short session intends to update audience with the latest improvements we had done to our data integration infrastructure. How to use REST API and external tools to design and create Liferay Objects and later share structure and data. Very useful if one want to recreate production environment locally, or to publish local work to production.
Click to REST - From no code to a REST API

Luis Miguel Barcos and Carlos Correa (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 12:06 UTC
Traditionally, Liferay developers are used to creating REST APIs with the REST Builder, having to code all the endpoints, and defining its API. In this talk, we will show how to create REST APIs with no code, and no API definition. All of it will be created automagically by Liferay with just a few clicks.
How to do that?
With the power of our no-code approximation: Liferay Objects.
Upgrades: past, present and future

Alberto Chaparro (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 12:42 UTC
We will time travel to check how Liferay Upgrades have changed over the years. From Ext Plugins to Low Code, from long-life releases to rolling releases, or from on-premise installations to Cloud. This talk will help you to understand what is best for your project and how to approach future upgrades minimizing risks and efforts.
Liferay Objects and Workflows - Guest submitted content validation

Fabian Bouché (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 13:18 UTC
We'll implement a web application allowing guest users to submit contributions which will undergo a validation process before being published on the home page gallery.
This talk will illustrate how you can combine Liferay Objects, the new Form Components capability and Workflows (and there's a bit of permission management as well).
Some of those features are very new and a bit rough around the edges. That's why I wanted to share with you what you need to be careful about.
Networking Break

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 13:52 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
Walking through the <Walkthrough/>

Daniel Sanz (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 15:37 UTC
Frontend developers and site creators are encouraged to attend this presentation, where we'll show the initial version of the walkthough DXP component, which allows to define walk through steps to showcase any relevant feature present across DXP site pages. Component integrated in DXP platform via site-level settings, making it possible to configure it declaratively using a simple JSON descriptor. Platform delivers the necessary machinery to inject it transparently when users navigate the site.
Component, implemented in React from native clay components, allows to define navigation steps, each step highlights a particular DOM element in the page, giving users a chance to read the details about that particular part in the UI. Several steps can be defined, and users can navigate through them, even if thew span across different site pages. Some options are provided to control component behavior.
We'll see component working live, take a look to the main code pointers and discuss some future lines of work to evolve it to a more usable version.
Raylife D2C -> a fully functional 7.4 app you can use today

Matthew Hartel (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 16:02 UTC
Looking for sample app built using low code? An app you can provision in 15 minutes?
The Raylife D2C (direct to consumer) portal reflects an insurance industry trend for users to go through the quote-and-bind process online without needing an agent. The D2C solution heavily leverages out of the box Liferay 7.4 functionality. D2C is built with “low code” features, such as Liferay Objects and the power of the React development framework using Remote Apps - all delivered via Site Initializer.
Ready to go from the latest release of Liferay DXP.
Search-as-you-type: How Search Blueprints and the /suggestions REST endpoint can be used to build custom search bar suggestions

Tibor Lipusz and Petteri Karttunen (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 16:38 UTC
Liferay Portal 7.4 CE GA36 / DXP 7.4 Update 36 introduced Search Bar Suggestions, a new feature of the Search Bar widget. With suggestions enabled, users begin typing in the search bar and have preliminary results returned. This feature introduces search-as-you-type functionality to Liferay. (LPS-152597)
Behind Testray 2, how we are rewriting a software using 7.4

Keven Leone and Wellington Barbosa (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 17:04 UTC
The talk will be show topics related to 7.4, Remote App, Objects and React, in the development of a Remote Application, rewriting a software written 7 years ago using Liferay Portal 7.1 in a brand new software architecture, turned to 7.4 stack
Creating a low code sample application using Client Extensions, Objects and mobile app

José Abelenda (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 17:40 UTC
In this presentation we will see how to create an application using Liferay low code concepts as Client Extension, Objects and connect a mobile app to our application on DXP.
Display, Scope and Filter Categories in the Category Facet by Vocabulary

Tibor Lipusz and Bryan Engler (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 18:16 UTC
Learn about two recent enhancements we have introduced and how they can help you to provide a powerful search facet experience. (LPS-156503)
Networking Break

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 18:41 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
Validating Object entries with Expression Builder

Nara Andrade and Carlos Montenegro (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 20:02 UTC
The audience will learn how to create an Object, add fields to it and compose validations to its entries. This presentation is applicable to anyone interested in developing and showcasing low-code solutions.
Using low-code and a Proxy to recreate Partner Portal

Jair Medeiros and Thaynam Lázaro (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 20:28 UTC
In this talk we will show how we used the Liferay 7.4 features, Site Initializer, Objets, Low-code components and a proxy with Saleforce to recreate the Liferay's Partner Portal.
Glowroot - Let's monitor Liferay performance with an APM

Fabian Bouché (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-29 20:56 UTC
Performance bottlenecks are difficult to analyze without the right tools.
Glowroot is an easy to setup Java APM that works perfectly with Liferay.
I'd like to show you how to set it up and how you can configure it to collect metrics, even for Liferay background tasks.
Happy Hour, End of Day 1

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 22:35 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
Doors Open and World Discovery

No presenter (Everywhere)
2022-11-30 10:00 UTC
We're on Workadventure - and it takes a while to get used to the platform.
Make sure to come early, try out your webcam and audio setup, talk to people and get the vibe of the platform.
This event is made for you, so that you can talk to anybody who has built or discovered bragworthy features, or who just helps you out with smart ideas. Or for you to showcase your smart ideas.
Get your webcam and headset ready and explore what we built.
Warm-up: Devcon 2023

Mariela Santillán-Riethmüller (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 11:15 UTC
A lot comes in place to organize DEVCON and next year's edition is already in the works! During this short session, you will have a front-row seat to DEVCON plans for 2023. Are we coming back in person? When is it happening? Where is it taking place? Are the moderators painting their hair blue again? How can the community contribute to it? We will most probably not have all the answers yet, but this is surely the best opportunity to open a dialog and hear from you what you want to see during DEVCON 2023.
Payment eco-system in India and integration with one payment gateway

Madhukar Kumar (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 11:31 UTC
Session is focused on audiences dealing with banking, insurance, manufacturing based clients. They will be able to understand how payment is processed and how different parties are involved while we simply click on pay now. We have one generic modules that can be deployed to Life ray server straight away to receive the payments using Billdesk. Will put this module to the marketplace.
The Wonderful World of Sites Initializers

José María Muñoz (a.k.a Chema) (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 12:07 UTC
What are Site Initializers, and what can they do for you as a Liferay Developer? In this session we will be diving deep into the what, the why, and the how of Site Initializers to help you understand how you can use them as a starting point for building effective and reusable sites. We’ll also get a sneak peek into the future of Site Initializers on Liferay Experience Cloud.
Put your templates at REST

Alejandro Tardín (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 12:43 UTC
Traditionally, self hosted instances of Liferay could make use of serviceLocator in templates to access information. In the SaaS world, this is not possible for security and multitenancy reasons. To fulfill this need we have developed restClient, an object that will let you leverage all the power of the headless APIs from your templates.
Audience: Developers, specially those familiar with templates.
Easily customize Liferay's search behavior with Liferay Enterprise Search Experiences

Tibor Lipusz and Petteri Karttunen (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 13:09 UTC
Boost, hide, or filter results by various factors like proximity, categories, tags, user segment; provide personalized and context aware search results and much more. People can use the Search Blueprints feature to customize the search query and personalize their digital experiences through the Liferay Enterprise Search Experiences application (available for DXP 7.3 and 7.4).
Networking Break

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-30 13:44 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
How to integrate Redis in Liferay 7.4 for Tomcat's Session Replication

Mariano Alvaro Saiz (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 15:56 UTC
Some years ago I created the following blog post, which some customers are currently using (contact Fabian Bouché for more information). Because Shielded Container has been introduced for 7.4 I needed to adapt much of the code (I will publish a new blog entry in a couple of weeks). Right now some customers in the community (that served as early adopters) are using the 7.4 version. I will introduce how the code works and a brief explanation of the Shielded Container to understand the difference regarding classloaders.
Introducing Semantic Search Capabilities Using txtai and Hugging Face's Inference API

Tibor Lipusz and Petteri Karttunen (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 16:58 UTC
See how vector search can help self-service site administrators to support users who visit the documentation and help them to find answers to their questions faster by providing semantically relevant search results. (LPS-163688)
Objects Actions - Creating a custom action type

Mateus Santana and Guilherme Camacho (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 17:34 UTC
We’ll show how the actions feature works and how it was implemented. During this walk-through, we'll create a new action type and apply it to some Liferay Object to see it working. This way the audience would be able to see how easy this process is.
Networking Break

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 18:09 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
Liferay Notifications - Creating a custom notification type

Feliphe Marinho and Gabriel Albuquerque (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 19:32 UTC
We’ll dive into the notification module implementation and how easily add new notification types and apply them to use in desired modules. Going from how we brought it from Commerce, (revamping it into a brand new product) to a hands-on part demonstrating how we can create a new notification type.
Notifications were part of Commerce and focused on triggering e-mail notifications according to order status changes. From Obejcts' perspective, we envisioned it as a good feature that we could integrate with Liferay Objects and turn into one of our actions. But then, why not make it customizable and integrated with any product and implementation?That's what we did with a revamp process to decouple the notification module from Objects and email, developers just need to implement one class that contains some methods that are required and then you will be able to get your notification type or the existing ones though the NotificationTypeTracker by passing the type of the desired notification and then they'll be able to call methods like sendNotification by passing the proper context to work as expected.
How to build your brand without creating a new theme in 7.4

Roselaine Marques (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 20:08 UTC
This talk is not only for Front-end developers, this session is for all people who are involved in Liferay Portal Projects. Learn how we could speed up building the front-end side for Liferay Portals. Avoid the need for your or your team to know and learn how to work our theme project structure, let the old go and learn the new one, taking advantage of Fragments, Style book, Master Page Templates...
Sympathy for the Devops

Olaf Kock (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 20:44 UTC
A high level overview over the different deployment options for Liferay DXP and Liferay Portal. This goes from on-premise deployments through the PaaS cloud to the SaaS cloud, taking progressively more mental burden from the Devop-people, so that they can concentrate on business-specific issues rather than infrastructure.
This presentation closes a loop: At the European Symposium 2010, Olaf deployed a full Liferay Cluster from zero, live on stage, in a 30 minutes presentation. Thanks to today's Devops automation, such a demonstration is not even considered impressive enough for a presentation in 2022 - but it might be a small part.
Demystifying Liferay Commerce Extensions

Jeff Handa (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 21:20 UTC
This session will provide a quick overview of some of the most common Liferay Commerce extension points such as custom product renderers, customizing checkout steps, and custom order rules. We'll look at the business cases that require these extensions and then dive into the code needed to take advantage of these extension points.
Building a React-based Multilingual, Multi-page Loan Request App with Objects Datasource

Wesley Kempa (Budapest Theater)
2022-11-30 21:56 UTC
To learn about an example of a multi-step react component that leverages getting and posting Liferay Object data. This component also contains translated content for French, Portuguese, Spanish, and English based on the user's Liferay language settings.
Happy Hour, End of Day 2

Y'all (Everywhere)
2022-11-29 22:31 UTC
The best part of a conference is the networking - isn't it? And as we're on Workadventure, we're giving you the opportunity to meet others and talk to them - check out where the speakers are, find others that you can help, or that can help you exploring the full power of your Digital Experience Platform or Portal.
Roam around, grab some food and drinks: Whatever you find in your fridge is available. We hope to have hit your taste.
Unconference Ground Rules and Agenda Building

Y'all and Olaf Kock (Singapore Theater)
2022-12-01 13:00 UTC
We're building the Unconference Agenda. This is the time when the ground rules are communicated, and the agenda for the rest of the day is built. Afterwards, the group will distribute throughout the world into the scheduled pavillions and cover the agenda based on interest.